Having been
Пишет E_a_s_y:
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current mood >3
All the semester I was like this or that. When anybody was speakng about exams i was looking at him like that and doing like that.
But one rainy morning I looked at the calendar and suddenly Founded. My teachers became from this one to that one and started to do like this or even like THAT! D:.
Students are really happy.
However, I believe: everybody willkill it with fire pass all the exams in time and will look like this or, probably, even like that! *тут воинственный взгляд и развевающийся плащ
All the semester I was like this or that. When anybody was speakng about exams i was looking at him like that and doing like that.
But one rainy morning I looked at the calendar and suddenly Founded. My teachers became from this one to that one and started to do like this or even like THAT! D:.
Students are really happy.
However, I believe: everybody will

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